Well here we are my friends. We've made it to Christmas week of 2023 and roughly 9 days left in the year. Now, I could turn this into a "How are you going to maximize those 9 days" post, asking you to make a sprint to the finish. And if that's what you are looking to do, then have at! I won't slow you down, in fact I'm goin to be the one to cheer you on as I jog behind you. If you are jogging these last few days, knowing you've given everything you got then, I'm right with you cheering on as well. Regardless of how you are finishing this marathon of the year, I'm cheering you on at any pace you take!
You may have guessed I'm back into running with that last paragraph of metaphors, which is the first thing I am grateful to have restarted in 2023. I picked up running in 2017 at the age of 36, when I set a goal for myself to run my first half marathon (which I completed in fall of the same year). I didn't realize how much I would enjoy running at the time. Picking up back up in 2023 I created a new goal for myself: Run 5 Races a year. Well, I surpassed that by one and had a chance to run all around Central Florida, including St. Petersburg, Walt Disney World, and running for the OnePulse foundation honoring the victims of the Pulse Nightclub Massacre.
On the business front, Queen of Glam Tarot navigated many ups and downs including putting my drag appearances on hold due to a legislative bill signed in Florida. I am happy to say the bill has been blocked with a temporary injunction which is still in place. But the effects are still being felt. But through this we adapt or we flounder, and I decided to adapt. Hence the birth of Stella's twin brother, Stefano, allowing the business to continue to thrive and build and expand. And Stefano has been so well received by everyone!
Thankfully I've been able to use the downtime to network and reach out to other businesses across Orlando and work on finding a publisher for my book.
Yep you read that right. My book. 2022 I completed the first draft of my book on Tarot and in 2023, it's been edited and expanded. With one more round of edits and polishing, it will be ready to come into the world in 2024! Hopefully in time for the holiday season (because who wouldn't want a glamorous Tarot book in their stockings?) The publisher has been selected and the money being raised as we speak to self-publish. And hopefully there will be many events and book signings that will follow all over the world!!!! I have dreams of grandeur and this book will be the start of many!
On top of all this, Queen of Glam Tarot participated in many private events, including Stella's first Smut Lover's conference. A collection of smut authors sharing their works with the curious and enthusiast alike! And lil ole me giving Tarot readings and the occasional performance, which you all know is rare for me. I'm excited to announce I'll be coming back next year with a little more in my back pocket and possibly some friends.
Well that just about covers 2023. I mentioned earlier running the marathon of the year, and the remainder of this year I will be spending taking a lowkey approach and focusing on running and completing a few projects. In about a weeks time I'll write my blog for my predictions for 2024. Here's a hint of what you'll see...
That about wraps up 2023 for me. I've enjoyed this highlight reel of the year and I hope you take a little time to reflect on your year as you go into Christmas.
Now for a little business, I am offering year ahead readings if you want a glimpse of what the next year holds for you. And stay tuned to the website as it will too go through some changes and updates as well as appearances!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!! I'll see you in the new year.
Make it a Magickal Day -- Stella and Stefano B.