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The Case of the Missing Month's Blog

Well... Hello, there fellow Glamorizers and Tarotistas. Yes, I am back and Yes ... I seemed to have misplaced the month of September. But I'm back just in time for October bringing with it Libra Season and all things dress-up and Halloween. (insert obligatory Halloween graphic below)

Coming out of the Virgo vibes symbolized by The Hermit, Libra season brings with it the ability to choose and move forward. The Hermit asked us to pause for a second and consider what do we really want the rest of the year to look like. And now that we've (hopefully) done that, Libra symbolized by Justice is saying "okay make your choice." There is no judgment in the choice, just the choice itself, which may seem like a funny way of looking at Justice.

Justice from Everyday Tarot by BiddyTarot

So what are the choices you are making? What do you want for yourself? How do you want the rest of your 2021 to be so you can jump into 2022 full gusto? Well, I may have a spread to help you out, my friend.

The following spread was designed to work with Tarot, Lenormand, and Oracle. If you decide to do a "mixed medium" reading, I find it best to pair the cards: Cards 1 and 2 from one deck, 3 and 4 from another.

As you shuffle and draw your cards, think about where you'd like to achieve balance and harmony in your life. Cards 1 and 2 will show you where you need the balance; cards 3 and 4 will give you steps and guidance on how to achieve that balance.

LIbra Spread created by Queen Of Glam Tarot

Here is a sample reading I did on myself:

Pocket of Peers Tarot by Jamie Sawyer

As you can see, what I need to bring into balance this season is the Two of Cups and The Fool. Balancing my social side to my curious side. In this upcoming party season, it's very easy for me to be a social butterfly and go all out on the social side. This leads me into feeling like my social side is a duty over a joy. The Fool's energy reminds me that I don't have to be on my own, doing my own thing all the time either.

So steps to finding that harmony are in the King of Pentacles and the Four of Cups. First off being wise with my resources, including time and energy. And when I've had enough of either side of the scale, to stop and feel satisfied.

Please try this spread out for yourself and see where you can bring harmony back into your life this Libra Season.

In upcoming news, be on the look for a podcast interview I did with Cardsy B of Hex in the City as we talk even more so about Libra Season and what it carries with it. And I'll be sure to post a link here when it's released.

But in the meantime, be magical and glamorize this world! And if you want to download this spread for yourself, there is a file below just for you!

Stella B

Libra Season Spread
Download PDF • 3.74MB

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